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My year of exploring the outside world

Hi, I'm Cindy and I have a goal for this year.

My plan is to get up off the couch and get outside! Every day: wind, rain, sunshine, or snow, I will spend some time outside to see what I can discover. Some days you may find me exploring exotic locations, but on other days the adventure will be closer to home. I think even a stroll around the neighborhood could be beneficial. It seems to me that, because we are so often in a hurry, many of us have begun to feel disconnected from nature. How often do we rush past trees, lakes, and sunsets without really seeing them? This year, I hope to slow down and take notice. I believe there are magical moments to be discovered every day, and I am interested in finding a sense of connection and belonging to the planet we live on. Can spending more time outdoors help you live a longer, healthier life? Will it make us happier? I hope to find out!  I invite you to come along with me as I share my daily findings. Maybe my explorations will inspire you to get outside too. 

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