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  • Writer's pictureCindy Valleen

Day 20: Arriving in the Mist

Updated: Jun 23, 2019

Sunday, June 16

Port of Avalon, CA

My first impression of Santa Catalina was that of a place of enchantment, a mystical island rising out of the ocean. We had spent the last hour aboard the Catalina Express, and the boat trip from Long Beach had been adventurous, complete with waves, wind, and glimpses of dolphins. We had been enjoying misty views of the Pacific Ocean and I expected that the island would be impressive, but I was unprepared for how breathtaking my first view would be.

Rugged mountains rose high up out of the water and nearly disappeared into the fog. Tall palm trees swayed in the breeze, making lovely silhouettes against the gray sky. Down along the shore, the colorful city of Avalon and the marina seemed to welcome our arrival. I couldn't wait to get off the boat.

Catalina Island is one of the Channel Islands off the coast of California. It is 22 miles long and 8 miles wide (at the widest point), and I am excited to begin exploring. There are very few cars allowed on the island, and people get around in golf carts. This is because almost 90 percent of the island is owned by the Catalina Island Conservancy, a nonprofit organization established to protect the ecosystem. No shopping centers, freeways, or apartment buildings here!

Instead, there is a unique habitat for the island's plants and animals, rocky shoreline and sandy beaches, and the delightful town of Avalon, with a population of about 3800 residents. And right now, there is no place else I'd rather be.

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